Turkey Bowl

Fall Flag Football Time!
We have 61-teams participating in the Turkey Bowl this year. If a team pulls out of the tournament, we will pull teams from the waiting list no later than Friday at 12 pm. The brackets are now ready and listed below.
The Recreation District's annual Turkey Bowl is a one day 4-on-4 Flag Football Tournament with seven different age divisions. Rosters are limited to six-players and the games take less than 30-minutes with two 10-minute halves and only one timeout per team. See the rows below for the rules, and your team must know them before playing. There will be a brief managers' meeting at 8:00 am before the tournament begins.
Game time is forfeit time. We will run games early if possible, but we will not run late. We advise all teams to arrive at their field early. All teams must turn in a roster prior to playing and it locks when you play your first game. Please turn in the rosters at the blue tent by the garage door of the storage building.
We do appreciate the efforts of the staff and officials at the Turkey Bowl, we ask that you do as well. This is a family event and we want everyone to have a great time. If you are going to give officials and staff a difficult time, you will be asked to leave.
Round up your friends and sign up early!
The schedules for the 2024 Turkey Bowl have been set. The top teams in each division from three (3) Pool Play games will advance to a single elimination championship bracket. The number of teams advancing in each division varies based on registered teams. All games will start on-time or early. They will not begin late. Click on your division to view your schedule. We have included the Pool Play schedule on top, followed by the Championship Bracket. The managers meeting and announcements are at 8:00 am. These announcements will not be repeated. All teams should have at least one representative at the meeting.
4 on 4 Turkey Bowl Rules
· Managers and Officials meeting will be held at 8:00 am Saturday, November 23rd at Pathfinder Park.
· A team may have no more than 6-players on their roster.
· Roster must be signed before participating by players and/or parents.
· Team Rosters are final when there are six players signed on the roster and have played a game.
· Players may not move from one team to another. You may participate on one team only.
· Games will be played all day Saturday starting at 8:30 am; games will be scheduled every 30 minutes.
· All teams are guaranteed 3-games.
· Divisions will be played in Double Elimination format or Pool Play depending on numbers.
· If there are multiple pools within one division, the winning team of each pool will play in a single elimination tournament to determine division champion.
· If a team is eliminated from a Double Elimination tournament before their 3-game guarantee has been met a consolation game will be played.
· Proof of age may be required if challenged by opposing team.
· Age as of November 23, 2024 determines eligibility.
· Women’s 18 and Under (Chicks) Game Ball: Junior size
· Women’s 19 and Over (Hens) Game Ball: Junior size
· 12 and under (Wings) Game Ball: Junior size
· Boys 13 to 15 (Legs) Game Ball: Junior or High School Size (offense has the choice)
· Boys 16 to 18 (Thighs) Game Ball: High School Size
· Men’s 19 to 30 (Toms) Game Ball: High School Size
· Men’s 31 and over (Gizzards) Game Ball: High School Size
The Game
· The field will be 50-yards long by 25-yards wide with 10-yard end zones.
· A coin toss will determine which team has first possession.
· The offensive team takes possession of the ball at their 10-yard line and has four plays to cross mid-field for a first down. Once the team crosses mid-field they have four plays to score.
· After a score the opposing team will start at their own 10-yard line.
· Substitutions may only be made during a dead ball.
· Triple threat flags will be provided and must be warn outside of clothing and around the waste at all times.
· Turkey’s will be awarded to each player of the 1st place team in each division.
· Forfeited games will be scored 14-0. Game Clock & Time Outs
· Each game will consist of two 10-minute halves and a 2-minute half time.
· The clock will not stop unless a team calls a time out or the official feels it is necessary.
· The offensive team will have 20-seconds to snap the ball once the ball has been spotted.
· The ball may not be snapped until the official is set. (No Quick Snaps)
· Each team will have one time out per game, one minute in length.
· Each team will be given one timeout for overtime; remaining timeouts from regulation will not carry over.
· First possession will be determined by a coin toss.
· Each team will have one play to score from the opponent’s 10-yard line.
· Teams must go for 2-point conversion
· The overtime periods will continue with alternating possessions until a winner is determined.
· Touchdown = 6 points
· Extra Points: 5-yards out = 1 point, 10-yards out = 2 points, Safety = 2 points
· Offense gets the ball at midfield after a safety
Defensive Game Play:
· All defensive players must be 1-yard off the line of scrimmage when the ball is snapped.
· The official will designate 1-yard from the line of scrimmage.
· Contact will be allowed within 5-yards of the line of scrimmage.
· Defense may not attack the quarterback’s arm; players may only attempt to pull the flags.
Offensive Game Play:
· No player shall be moving forward when the ball is snapped.
· The ball must be snapped from center to start play, not necessarily between the legs.
· The quarterback may run the ball at any time during a play.
· Teams may throwback or lateral the ball anywhere on the field of play an unlimited amount of times.
· The ball is spotted where the ball carriers flag was first pulled off or falls off.
· Fumbles are a dead ball immediately when it hits the ground.
· Intentional grounding will not be called
· Only one forward pass will be allowed per offensive play.
· All players are eligible to receive a pass.
· The receiver must have at least one foot down in-bounds in order for the pass to be ruled a catch.
· If a player goes out-of-bounds and comes back in during a play, the player is no longer eligible to make a reception.
· Offensive players may not dive or lunge to gain extra yardage
· Teams may punt the ball on 4th down only.
· A punt must take place behind the original line of scrimmage.
· Defensive players may not rush the punter during a punt.
· Punts are not returnable. Punts are spotted where the catch is made or ball goes out-of-bounds. If the ball enters the end zone it is ruled a touch back and the receiving team takes possession at their 10-yard line.
Game Penalties
· All offensive penalties result in a 10-yard penalty
· All defensive penalties result in a 10-yard penalty and automatic first down
· Offsides
· Illegal Contact (holding, bump and run, blocking) Officials will determine incidental contact, which may result due to normal play. Excessive Contact may be called at any time. If the official feels the contact was made intentionally or with the intent to harm the player, the player may be subject to disciplinary action.
· Roughing the Passer - the rusher must go after the flags not the arm or the ball.
· Holding or Clipping
· Illegal Motion / False Start
· Pass Interference - offensive or defensive
· Flag guarding - offensive players carrying the ball must keep their hands above the waist
· Charging - players must try to avoid contact
· Delay of Game - all delay of game penalties will stop the clock until the next play is snapped
· Unsportsmanlike/Flagrant - ejection and 10-yard penalty
· The Cañon City Area Recreation and Park District’s Code of Conduct Policy will be adhered to.
· The following disciplinary actions may be taken:
o First Violation: Remainder of the Game
o Second Violation: Remainder of the Tournament
1. Overall Record
2. Head-to-Head- Only applicable if everyone team in question has played each other
3. Point Differential
4. Points Against
5. Points Scored
6. Coin Toss
- Managers and Officials meet at 8:00 am the morning of at Pathfinder Park.
- Printed copies of the rules will be available.
- These announcements will not be repeated.
- All teams should have at least one representative at the meeting.
- Saturday, November 23, 2024 (Saturday before Thanksgiving)
- Games start at 8:30 am
- This is a one day tournament
- Pathfinder Regional Park 6639 Highway 115 between Cañon City and Florence
Register for the 2024 Turkey Bowl by clicking on the division for your team below.
Registration deadline is Tuesday November 19th or when we hit the maximum number of registered teams. Do not wait until the last minute to register.
- $80 per team, 3 game guarantee